Thursday 24 September 2009

School Magazine - Textual Analysis and Representation

-> the font used for the header is quite basic font , this adds effect as it stands out more and isn't too busy.
-> the header reads 'High Profile' , the word 'High' is not in bold whereas the word 'Profile' is.
-> the writing above and below the header that states the schools information such as the email address which is written in the same font but smaller but is also written in the colour white. This emphasises the the header and at first look of the magazine the eye is instantly drawn the the word, 'Profile' as it stands out the most.
Headlines/Captions/Choice of Words
-> 'A Star is Born' , this connotates that the photo in the background is something to do with a drama production and also the students exceld themselves and became stars it could also have something to do with the drama production they did as that may tie in with the story line.
-> the language on the front of this magazine is not too difficult. The word choice is quite basic.
-> alliteration is used in the panel at the bottom, 'magic, mystery & murder'.

Lighting and Colour
-> the photograph in the background has a lot of bright colours, at the top and bottom of the photograph it is darker than the rest of the photo. This makes the text stand out more.
-> the colour choice for the text is quite bland but the colourful photo in the background makes it eye catching. If the text was multi-coloured the page would look too busy.
-> the photograph takes up the whole of the background therefore there is no background colour.
-> the header at the top of the page is bold and there is smaller text above the header with the details of the school and also the schools website. Underneath the header theres is the date and term, this is stated just like the date and price would be on a magazine such as 'Heat'.
-> the main article that is going to be featured in the magazine is stated at the bottom left of the page. The text is relevant to the background image and reads 'A Star is Born', again this is written in plain white text but is still very effective, this gives the impression that the main artcle of the magazine is possibly to do with a school play.
-> at the bottom of the page there is a dark grey box which contains bullet points of text. 'In this issue' is written in bright green, thsi draws the readers eye to it as this is the only piece of text which is written in colour and also it stands out against the dull, grey background of the box. The bullet points of text are things that are featured in the magazine alongside the main article.
Facial Expressions/Body Language (photo)
-> the facial expressions of the people in the photo are shocked this fits in with the line, 'The Little Shop Of Horrors'.

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