Tuesday 29 September 2009

Questionnaire Results

To obtain these results from my student magazine questionnaire i asked a selection students, both male and female from Southend High School for Girls sixth form. Below are my results:

Question One:
Would you be interested in purchasing a school m
-> I asked this question as i needed to find out if my target audience would be interested in purchasing a school magazine.

The results from thi
s question show that
 there is a need
for this magazine and that students are interested in having a school magazine.

Question Two:
Would you be willing to buy a school magazine?
-> I asked this question to see if students would be willing to buy this magazine.

This result shows that most students would not be willing to pay for this magazine. This could be because they want to spend their money on other magazines out of school.

Question Three:
If yes, how much would you be happy to spend?
-> I asked this question to find out which price range t
he stud
ents would be most willing to pay for a magazine.

-> The results from this question show that most people who are willing to pay for the magazine generally want to spend between £1 and £2 on the magazine. This cost is similar to magazine such as Heat and Glamour.

Question Four
Would you prefer the magazine to be free?
-> I asked this question to find out if my target audience would prefer the magazine to be a free magazine from the school.

-> This shows that students would rather not pay for the student magazine.

Question Five
Would you prefer a termly or yearly magazine?
-> I asked this question to show how often thi
s magazine is going to be produced.

-> The results from this question show that the students 
would rather have a termly magazine than a yearly magazine.

Question Six
Do you prefer to have more text or images on the front cover of a magazine?
I asked this question to find out what attracts my target audience to the front cover of a magazine more; the text or the images featured. This will determine the amount of images and text i use on the cover of my magazine.

-> The results form this question shows tha
t there has to be a general balance between the amount of images and text featured on the front of the magazine but my target audience prefer there to be more images than text.

Question Seven
What other magazines are you interested in?
I asked this question to find out what other magazines my target audience already read, as this will give me an insight into the styles of magazines that my target audience are attracted to and also what colour schemes and layout attract thei
r attention. This will also show me what things my target audience are interested in.

-> The results of this question showed that most people read 'Heat', 'Look' and 'Glamour', these magazines would be useful to research in order to see what other things my target audience like.

Question Eight
What is the first element of the magazine that catches your eye on the front cover of the magazine?
I asked this question to find out what i should feature on the front cover of my magazine most.

-> The results from this question show that the main focus is usually on the image that is used but the other things are as important. There has to be a balance between all of them to make an effective and eye-catching front cover.

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