Monday 9 November 2009

'Evolve' Textual Analysis

An issue of ‘evolve’ magazine, summer 2009.

-> The background colour is yellow; this reflects the season as yellow has connotations of summer. The yellow becomes more faded as you go down the page this leads to the text at the footer of the page which says, ‘Best School Newspaper in the North East’; this is written in black text in ‘Arial’ font and has been made bold. It is the only thing on the page which is against a white background; this makes it stand out even more which are a good thing as it is an achievement for the school.

-> The plain black text stands out on this background, this makes it eye catching and also clear and easy to read the text.

-> Along the top of the page it says, ‘Student Magazine of George Stephenson High School’. This is written in the font ‘Arial’ and has been made bold. This is a very simplistic text.

-> The header reads, ‘evolve’, this is written in a different font but is still just written in black. This makes it stand out. Underneath the header the issue number and date is written. Under that is the slogan of the magazine, ‘News, Views Reviews & Interviews’. These words all sound the same so they make the slogan more catchy and easy to remember.

-> On first look the reader’s eye is automatically drawn to the image in the middle. It is a painting surrounded by a lot of other images. The middle of the page is very busy and this could reflect the school life.

-> This magazine uses images rather than text to show what is included in that issue. This challenges conventions but is very effectual as this would appeal more to the students as it appears to be more fun rather than full of a lot of text and information.

-> All previous issues of this magazine follow the same layout, however the background colour changes with the seasons and also what is being featured in the magazine.

'Direct' Magazine Front Cover and Contents Page

Monday 2 November 2009

Reader Profile

This is my Reader Profile. It shows the things that my target audience are interested in.
Click on the below image to enlarge the picture: